Living the healthy lifestyle can help prevent chronic disease and long term illnesses. Feeling good about yourself and taking care of your health are important for your self-esteem and self-image. Maintain a healthy lifestyle by doing what is right for your body. With a population of 140 Billion, last mile delivery of healthcare in our country has always been a challenge. Nearly 72% of the population lives in rural areas and has access to only about 25% of the healthcare infrastructure. On the other hand, urban slum dwellers are mostly a migrated population for whom livelihood challenges are overwhelming and health lies at the bottom of the pyramid. So our approach is to provide health related facilities to those people who need them.
Society For Community Development has conducted many programs for primary health issues, And we have also provided many facilities related to health. With a population of 140 Billion, last mile delivery of healthcare in our country has always been a challenge, so we have provided health services to those who need them. Therefore our aim is to provide valuable services to the needy community.
Ways to stay fit: There are many ways to stay fit, but the most important ways are drinking about 5-7 liters of water a day, using salad in food, doing routine checkups, eating green vegetables and daily diet, exercising at least 1 hour. If you follow these tips you will remain fit.
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